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Trivia (thank you to jayman75 for all of these!)
The answers to all seven parts can be found HERE

1. What color dress did Blanche wear to George's funeral?
2. What was wrong with Rose's sister Lilly?
3. What was the "little piece of himself" that Stan left at Kate's wedding?
4. What color are M
iles' eyebrows?
5. What actress played Phil's wife?
6. What was the name of the television newsman that Blanche dated? *he worked with Rose and lived with his mother*
7. Why did Sophia "curse" the neighbor? *he got flat tires, lost his golf clubs and got a boil on his ( | )*
8. Who was the subject of the sculpture that the artist created?
9. What did Blanche do for a living?
10. How did the girls know that Sophia had been out driving?

1. How long were Dorothy and Stan married?
2. Name two vacation spots that the girls went to (all or at least two could have gone)
3. What was above Blanche's bed?
4. Name an illness that each girl suffered from
5. How old was Blanche when she died (in Rose's dream)?
6. What was the name of the gangster after M
7. What did Blanche see in the ziplock bag after writing for 3 days straight?
8. What was Rose's name at the high school reunion?
9. What did Sophia make for Alvin?
10. What was on the winning lottery ticket the girls gave the homeless shelter?

1. Name three of Dorothy signature clothing styles.
2. How did Blanche get Rose to drive her to Atlanta to see her "Grammy's" house?
3. What hung at Blanche's "grammy's" house that she brought back with her?
4. Who attended Sophia's wedding to Max?
5. What type of car did Blanche rent to attract men?
6. What was the occupation of Clayton's boyfriend?
7. Name the man Sophia sat with on the beach.
8. Who did Sophia go out with on Valentine's Day?
9. Name a song that Sophia sang in the show.
10. Name all of the girls spouses (there may be more than one!!).

1. Where did Dorothy keep the brochures of retirement homes?
2. Who was the famous artist that painted the picture the girls traded for a new roof?
3. What was the name of the bar Blanche took Dorothy to, and Dorothy ended up singing?
4. Rose almost lost her teddy-bear to a girl scout. What was the name of the bear?
5. What did Sophia sit on when she drove Rose's car?
6. What was the "lucky part" to the curse Sophia put on the girls' neighbor after his tree fell into
their lanai?
7. After Dorothy had foot surgery, what did Blanche and Rose rename their dance group?
8. What girl never wore a wedding dress during the show?
9. In the final episode, what did Stan compare himself to? (HINT -- he didn't have a lot of them)
10. What did Sophia really want to do when she and Dorothy went on a weekend to "share memories?"

1. Name the song the pianist sang when Dorothy and Sophia went to Orlando to reminisce.
2. What was the name of Rose's old boyfriend who left her at the train station in St. Olaf to go to Europe with a band?
3. What did Dorothy want Sophia to give her if Dorothy won the bowling game?
4. What was the nickname Dorothy had that was shared by a prisoner?
5. What did Blanche ALWAYS have on? (hint, think neck)
6. Who was the fictional character that Rose and Blanche were going to write a children's book about?
7. What is Dorothy's COMPLETE name by the last episode?
8. Where would Sophia and Dorothy be cutting ribbons if they had won the Shady Pines Mother/Daughter Beauty Contest?
9. What was the name of the gay housekeeper in the first episode?
10. What "60 Minutes" co-star could Blanche have had?

1. What did Rose find that made her think Blanche slept with Charlie?
2. What song did Sophia recall singing when Shady Pines burned down?
3. Who played Glen O'Brien, the married man Dorothy dated? HINT! There were TWO actors
4. Who was David, in relation to Blanche?
5. Why did all the girls sleep in Sophia's bed when the heat went out?
6. Name the actor/director who was one of the Elvis' at Sophia and Max's wedding.
7. What did Stan leave with Dorothy after their daughter's wedding?
8. Where did Rose want to take Blanche and Dorothy when they moved in? (HINT! It was her "favorite restaurant")
9. How long were Stan and Dorothy married?
10. Who played Angela, Sophia's sister? (AND A BONUS... What other major television show was she on??)

1. What are Blanche's initials?

2. Name a type of product Rose tested for her job at the TV station.
3. What year was Dorothy married to Stan? (It was actually mentioned in an episode -- Sophia says "Picture it. Brooklyn -- 19_ _. Your first anniversary...)
4. Sophia sat on the park bench with a man. What was his name, and what was wrong with him?
5. What did Blanche bring back from Grammy's house that reminded her of Grammy?
6. Where did Rose meet her natural father?
7. Who was Emma Emmahoffer?
8. What did Dorothy need from Rose to help move the toilet from the living room to the bathroom?
9. The number of children Sophia has MULTIPLIED BY the number of brothers and sisters she has (that appeared on the show) equals???
10. What is Rose's favorite restaurant (she was going to take the girls there when they all moved in together)...

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